Monday 28 February 2011


After seeing another magazine in the class, i toyed with the ideas of taking ideas from pop art pictures, i played around with making all the background colours, giving each a different bold pop of colour instead of using a white background, however i felt it took away from the rockyness and made it look more girly, this being something i wanted to avoid. So for the background colour, is either going to be white or a very subtle neutral colour, as i feel it gives the magazine a classic feel and makes the darkness of the outfits and the makeup stand out more!

Cover Up

After taking some of the photos, with my model in the dress, with her legs out, i feel i could rock it up by putting her in suspended, however this brand, 'Henry Holland' sell tights which look like suspenders which keep the whole leg covered. i chose these ones from the brand as they have gold which will keep in sync with the leopard print in the dress. When i photographed her in these, i feel it looked really good and took the outfit to another level with the tights compared to without, it make it more rocky than girly!

Outfit Idea

The outfit on the left is one that i used for my double page spread photos, i feel this would work really well to use for my front cover, as its girly but edgy. i would then use some of the other photos in different outfits for my contents page, to help add variation.

Tea Party Idea

The mad hatter tea party is the kind of mise-en-scene i want to create,i want to make it really traditional and girly, as that will make the rockiness of my model, and her outfit really stand out against it.

Idea Development

After shooting my photographs, i am really happy with most fo my shots, i feel the variation in the outfits really works, the outfit i most prefer and works best for my photo ideas, is the rocky 'prom dress'. However, when shooting my photographs in and around the car, i feel this idea will need to be changed, as the photos were really awkward to take, the lighting was really poor and the whole concept just didn't seem to work. As i wanted these photos for the front cover, i needed to come up with a new idea, i felt i could of used some of the other photos i had already taken, but the photos throughout the three pages wouldn't show variation. My new idea for the front cover is of my model Trinity in her prom dress outside at a tea party, i wanted to this as she looks really edgy and gothy with black and dark makeup, that against a tea party would be really different and want people to see more.